Kyusha Expo Osaka
The Kansai Kyusha Expo is back! After 2 years of scarcity, the oldschool / zoku fans could finally enjoy crazy body kits, noisy exhausts, wide wheels and funky haircuts!
Originally organized in the Kyoto area, the event was more or less a wild car meet. The local started to bitch about the noise and the dangerous behaviors... and they shut it down. This year, Hello Special managed to get the Maishima venue (west of Osaka city) and invited all the bad boys to celebrate Japanese best era. An event we wouldn't have missed for the world! Oh, and yeah, we brought you back some photos!

Takeyari mufflers goodness!

Kaido racer Celica XX and 10 Soarer

GX51 Cresta rocking a front-mounted oilcooler.

Decent lip spoiler on this SX70 Cresta!

Don't expect Kaido Racer roll-cages so safe you during a crash...

Easy to get insane lip width with "Techin" wheels (steel wheels)!

Sensitive ears keep away!

More Kaido Racer perfection! GX71 MarkII and Celica XX

Those folks won the fashion contest. Bad ass outfits!

Cool to see some JDM Tsurikawa Kyoto Edition fans!

Skyline Japan love!

Kei Truck (mini truck) dekotora style

Bunch of Dekotora, big ones this time!

Takeyari is an art!

Team stickers

Bosozokus love decorated helmets! Even though the never wear them...

Mandatory tsurikawa!

Found more Kyoto Edition tsurikawas!

Most popular vehicles joined the parade at the end of the event.

GZ10 shark nose blasting through the crowd.
And a perverted Hakosuka to end a perfect day!